Personal Leadership Toolbox

Challenge Cultivation

Using a new-found confidence in myself and others. I work hard to create a working environment for my colleagues that allows everyone to work at their best.

Read more about my Challenge Cultivation

This was a recently developed skill I learned by honing my self-confidence and willingness to encourage better brainstorming and challenge among those I work with. This is symbolized with a cultivator, representing a leadership style known as "Liberator" in the Multiplier Model. Hand Cultivators are used to loosen and till soil, allowing the placement of fertilizer and removal of weeds. As such I am dedicated to using these new found skills to help enhance the working environment of my teams to help all to approach challenges to the best of their ability.
For instance, in a recent project I saw that our challenges became scattered and difficult for the small team to manage. In an early moment of developing this confidence I decided to directly approach the challenges by cutting unimportant tasks and problems so we could focus on those that were most important. I was careful to make sure all involved made decisions in this matter and helped cultivate an electric environment that quickly caught up to deadlines.

Loyalty and Dedication

I stay dedicated to projects, teams and goals until they're seen all the way through. This sense of loyalty extends to how I approach jobs and job opportunities. 

Read more about my Loyalty

Developed over time and recently articulated, this skill is symbolized by a shield - a tool of defense. I employ this skill to defend and relentlessly pursue goals (in a figurative sense). This skill resonates with the qualities of Resiliency, Tenacity, and Perseverance. However, it extends beyond mere goals; it applies to people I consider friends and those to whom I, for lack of a better term, pledge my loyalty. I pride myself on the time I invest in employers, projects, and relationships, always striving not to leave anything or anyone 'abandoned'.
A testament to my dedication is my ongoing work on the Drachenblut Beam Forge Engine. Despite being a side project, I seize every opportunity to contribute to its advancement, reinforcing my commitment to seeing tasks through to completion.


Naturally a faster learner, I've later learned to accept change no matter how small or major. I work hard to help others adapt to new situations and changes in order to keep things flowing.

Read more about my Adaptability

Symbolized by the Swiss Army Knife - this skill is one of my most important and useful. As it is my ability to adapt to new situations and various changes. I call everywhere I happen to be "Home", as a general example. In the ever changing world of development and entertainment I am quick to learn, observe and reflexively change how I approach problems to best suit situations. Stubbornness is absent and the ability to accept other's ideas, even if they conflict with my own is invaluable in collaborative pursuits.
While serving a LDS mission in South Korea, I often had to get used to new environments and cultural differences. Using these skills, and honing them while there I was able to learn to communicate and listen to those that seemed worlds away from myself. Employing these same skills I quickly adapted to the unexpected role of becoming an English teacher to eager classes of working class adults.


Armed with a constant positive outlook and willingness to keep positive thinking alive, I work hard to keep myself and those around me trying their very best. 

Read more about my Positivity

Once upon a time, the devil decided to sell his toolkit. He laid out a range of sinister instruments in the marketplace: envy, deceit, malice, vanity, and numerous others. Each tool had a price tag, some higher, some lower, depending on their destructive power.

Among these tools, there was one that looked insignificant and quite worn down, as though it had seen much use. Despite its humble appearance, it was set aside from the others and had a price so high it surpassed all the rest combined.

A visitor, intrigued by this worn yet highly priced tool, asked the devil, "What is this tool, and why is it so expensive?"

The devil replied with a grin, "Ah, this is my most potent tool. It's called discouragement. I have used it so frequently, it's become quite worn. But despite its appearance, it's my most valuable weapon. With discouragement, I can infiltrate the hearts of humans, causing them to lose faith in themselves and their dreams. Once discouragement takes hold, it opens the door for all other negative emotions and actions."

A rendition of the 'Devil's Wedge' fable as narrated by OpenAI's ChatGPT.

In an inverse, one of my most valuable tools is symbolized as well by a wedge - a simple tool used by inserting itself into small crevices. My positivity in the face of insurmountable challenge and setbacks is well worn and seen better days, but it remains a trusted and valuable tool in my skill set. For the record, it is in fact, not for sale.
School has been and until I graduate will be tough, I am and have been in a unique situation that makes many aspects of higher education much, much harder to approach without being somewhat overwhelmed, but despite all this I maintain a positive attitude and fighting spirit to overcome any challenge or at least "go down fighting".
Recently, I was developing a social media site using scarcely-documented technology. Meanwhile while aiding my family with various responsibilities. Despite the stress and exhaustion, resulting in multiple days where climbing stairs felt near-impossible, I completed the project. Maintaining an ambitious and hopeful outlook until the very end, I eventually even showcased the project proud of my work. My worn wedge of positivity, though tested, had prevailed.

Strategic Thinking

I use careful planning, time awareness, and problem solving skills to approach problems with a "smarter not harder" philosophy. 

Read more about my Strategic Thinking

The compass, a tool used for exactness represents this skill. This is something I have had to work hard to learn. In the past I would struggle with time management, planning and focus. But recently I have taken on several exercises to hone this skill and earn the ability to call it a skill. The first of these was to plan out a day and follow it stringently. The second was to repeatedly practice the productivity technique known as "Pomodoro" to help develop my discipline while also learning how to use time most effectively.
In the future, I hope to use this very new and shiny skill to help break down difficult tasks to make them easier and less stressful to handle. Maybe in many ways it will help lighten the load on the other tools.

Creativity Applied

Creative Ideas, Creative Solutions, and Creative Application. I abhor the term "Ideas Guy" and believe ideas are only as good as their application.

Read more about my Creativity

I have the strong belief that creative ideas, while valuable, are only such when actually applied. As such my skill of creativity goes far beyond being an "Ideas Guy". When I have a creative idea, I also think of creative ways to make those ideas come to life. I feel this skill allows me to be specially equipped to propel brainstorming meetings into action quickly.
In endeavors future and current I hope to use this skill and its temperament to put my ideas to action and finally "get stuff done". I want to make amazing things. In order to do that I need to employ this skill effectively to make my ideas come to life.